In the Pursuit of Trivia and World Peace


Life in the Emerald City has taken a turn for the worst.  The water well has gone dry several days ago and rain is no where in sight.  The water well on the ranch of the Tin Man was dug in the 1800s and has never stopped flowing…..

…..that is until now….. 

Shall the Emerald City one day look like the surface of the Moon? 

Every week the water truck pulls up to the house and pumps water into the holding tank and the Tin Man wonders how long he desires to live in this place, the place of his ancestors. 

It fills the heart he got from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz with great sadness.


Recently, someone wrote a history of the area and presented him with a copy of the book; the Tin Man was quite touched as he sat and read the stories of these brave immigrants to a new world, a world belonging to Mexico and how these early immigrants relied on the help and protection of these original owners in order to survive. 

He looked into the expectant faces from the old photographs and envisioned the dreams the ancients had for creating a better place. 

He read the stories of how the original people of this land, the Mexicans helped them and protected them and wonders how and why today the people of this new land turn their backs on the original owners and want to build giant fences to separate themselves from these giving people, why today the inhabitants of this new world want to show disdain for the beautiful, melodic language spoken by the original owners of this land. 

The Tin Man wonders how this ignorant hatred found root in the hearts and minds of people whose ancients would not have survived this new world without the help and care of those original owners. 

So his heart is heavy with sadness and he wonders if the great gods of the ancient lands have decided to take the water away from these new people as punishment for their arrogance and hatred birthed out of self-serving ignorance and self righteousness.

So in order as to not become overwhelmed by this arrogance and ignorance he has decided to try and focus on some trivial facts of our world to lighten his heart.

Did you know that Buzz Aldrin’s Mother’s maiden name was MOON?

Nobody knows where Mozart is buried..

85% of all Life on Earth is Plankton

Ants do not Sleep

The Oldest Known Vegetable is the Pea

To See a Rainbow You must have your back to the Sun

Millions of Trees are planted by squirrels that bury their nuts and then forget where they left them……

…….Thank You squirrels

Monaco’s National Orchestra is bigger than its Army

Every year the Sun looses 360 Million Tons

The average 4 year old asks 400 Questions a Day


The Creature with the Largest Brain in relation to its body is the Ant

A Chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in the mirror, but a Monkey cannot

Panama Hats come from Ecuador

Charlie Chaplin once won Third Place in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest

Shrimps are the loudest thing in the Ocean

The Fruit Fly was the first Animal in Space

The Largest Man Made Structure on Earth is “Fresh Kills”

The Rubbish Dump on Staten Island, New York…..a real tribute to mankind

So until a time when every Country’s Orchestra is bigger than its Army…….
…….and we realize that Ant’s have bigger brains than us…….

The Tin Man wishes for…..

…..a bit more care for our fellow humans and respect for their hearts…..and to celebrate our differences…

12 responses »

  1. Tin Man I have been putting three sprigs of lavender everyday in Buddha’s lap, I’m asking for rain. Last night after five weeks of sunshine we received rain. I had a serious talk to Buddha. I suggested I wanted rain in Texas not here. Our ditches are still filled with water. The farmers have been irrigating with this water (at least while the ditches have it) . With much concern – Virgina

  2. The Tin Man wrote a beautiful post that made me sad too. But like the good and wise Tin Man he is…he could not leave us sad and concluded with lightness,hope and for peace for the future. We have city water but try to conserve – I grew up on a ranch with water pumped from a windmill so I understand. I will look to the Maya rain god, Chac, for all of us in Texas who need his help. Peace and love.

    • Thank you oh Dearest Crone! You are such a wonderful and dear friend. I hop Chac will bestow great rains upon us and the people will love and respect each other for their differences and celebrate their oneness. May we all look into the mirror and see each other’s sameness and not be like the monkey and have no recognition. Thank you again for your kind words and support!

  3. This is a beautiful — and profound — post. Your light touch doesn’t override the seriousness of your message, which is beautifully conveyed.
    Why indeed are we both so ignorant and so arrogant at the same time? A lethal combination.
    Go, Emil!

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